A Letter From Our CEO: A Thank You to Our Partners

Dan O'Malley

Dan O'Malley

August 17, 2021


This morning, Inc. announced that Numerated ranks No. 32 on the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in America. We are honored to rank so highly in this group of innovative companies. Our growth has been driven by our partners’ belief in the unique vision we have for the future of business lending.

In 2017, we founded Numerated to radically simplify lending by using data. It was audacious for our team of 20 people to believe we could transform how financial institutions lend to businesses. But we believed in our vision, as did the financial institutions that fueled our early growth.

When the pandemic struck in 2020, small businesses needed banks and credit unions to deliver hundreds of billions of dollars in loans, digitally, as fast as possible—a monumental task none of us could have expected. As we started receiving calls for help, we realized that the future we were building had arrived, and all at once. In the time since, you have trusted us to serve your customers when they needed you most and we are proud to have worked with you to reach 700,000 businesses during COVID.

Today, we continue looking toward the future. We are applying the learnings from processing more than $50 billion in digital PPP loans to deliver the best borrowing experience in the world for any business banking product. We are growing our team, and today are seven times as large as when we founded the company. We are investing tens of millions of dollars into our technology to rapidly drive even more efficiencies for you. 

Going forward, we all know the pace of change in financial services will remain high. We are in a position to help the industry prosper through the changes to come. And we are committed to a vision where financial institutions and businesses are freed from cumbersome processes, allowing them to instead focus on building relationships of mutual success.

Thank you for your partnership. We look forward to what we will accomplish together in the future.

Dan O'Malley
CEO and Co-founder, Numerated

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