Experience FinXTech 2020: Come for the Demo, Stay for Some Live Networking

Sal Trifilio

Sal Trifilio

April 30, 2020


Experience FinXTech is Bank Director’s annual conference that brings together top innovators in the FinTech space and the banks that are looking for partners to help them solve the most pressing issues of the day.

As with most things in 2020, this year’s Experience FinXTech conference is getting a makeover—converting from the typical in-person conference to a virtual event.

And this conversion does a good job of highlighting the underlying issue every attendee will be trying to solve for this year: How do banks continue to serve their communities when they can’t meet face to face with their business customers?

Over the course of three days, Experience FinXTech will present a series of demonstrations that explore the many ways in which technology is changing the business of banking, with a focus on how banks can use these technologies to cultivate and grow business relationships.

On Tuesday, May 5, Numerators Chris Aronis and Anthony Galetta will join the 2:30pm EST web cast on Expediting the Lending Process to present a quick demonstration of our powerful digital lending platform.

The 10 min. demo, “Creating a Digital Front End for Business Banking,” will take a look at the new normal of social distancing and walk attendees through how our platform can help businesses apply for a loan and open a deposit checking account, in one session, without ever stepping foot inside of a branch.

Attending the Experience FinXTech virtual event is a great opportunity to see content like this that you might otherwise miss. Since this year’s event is online only, there’s no registration fee and those interested can register for free here.

And, since there won’t be the typical networking event this year, we wanted to help fill the void and give attendees a chance to connect even when social distancing is a must. Following Day 1 of demos, our team will be hosting a virtual networking event where attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and, more importantly, chat and connect with industry peers.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Featured Demo - Digital Underwriting

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