Montecito Bank & Trust To Talk Technology and Community Banking with Numerated at WBA 2020

Sal Trifilio

Sal Trifilio

February 06, 2020


Banking is not what it used to be.

Today’s consumers are different. They want their bank to anticipate their needs and to address them proactively. They prioritize speed and convenience above all else. And they expect a digital experience that’s consistent with the other digital services in their lives.

Today’s competition is also different. They’re not just the other community and regional banks in a financial institution’s footprint. They’re BigTech companies like Amazon who are lending directly to the vendors that sell on their marketplace. They’re Alt-Lenders and FinTechs that lend directly to borrowers, leveraging digital experiences to lure customers away from traditional institutions.

Simply put, bank executives are facing some of the greatest challenges of their careers as they try to compete in the digital age. And this year’s Western Bankers Association Annual Conference aims to address these challenges.

Specifically, Montecito Bank & Trust President and COO George Leis and our Founder and CEO Dan O’Malley will discuss “Technology’s Role in Growing the Community Bank of the Future,” during their fireside chat on Sunday, March 1 at 11:00 a.m. PST.

The moderated conversation will highlight Montecito’s experience in adapting to the challenges of the digital age through strategic technology investments, as the oldest and largest locally-owned community bank on the Central Coast of California. Likewise, Dan will share his insights from his work with Montecito as well as with a number of other community banks that have undergone digital transformations.

George and Dan’s fireside chat will focus on:

  • The Banking Landscape in the Digital Age: Who are banks competing with today? Why are businesses choosing to bank with non-traditional institutions? Where do community banks live in this evolving ecosystem? Here, George and Dan will discuss their personal experiences living inside of this rapidly evolving space.
  • How Community Banks Prioritize Tech Investments: Community banks are increasingly aware of the need to meet consumer expectations through technology investments. Unfortunately, as conservative institutions, they need to be strategic about where they spend every dollar. George and Dan will here expand on how banks approach tech investments, what goes into prioritizing projects, and the kinds of factors a bank should consider before moving forward with a tech buy.
  • The Future of Growth for Community Banks: Looking toward the future, George and Dan will discuss how community banks will be able to survive and grow in the digital age. Here, the moderator will focus on Montecito’s own strategy, their recent partnership with Numerated, and how technology has helped position them to better meet their customers’ needs.

“Technology’s Role in Growing the Community Bank of the Future” is a fireside chat between Montecito Bank & Trust President and COO George Leis and Numerated CEO Dan O’Malley. You can join the session on Sunday, March 1 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PST as a part of the conference Learning Sessions.

For more information on the WBA Annual Conference, and to register for the event, visit their website here.

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